This is picture that I collected as guide from the most important sources to dealing with the language from zero to very advenced level ..!
Python pogramming language is a free open source available for various operating systems(windows,unix …) and the basic version of it was written using the C language by its programmed innovator Guido van Rossum, which began practical implementation in December In 1989, then the 0.9 version was launched in February 1991 …
Python is still evolving to this day and has become more than implementation in different languages and for different working platforms !
For examples:
Jython for Java Virtual Machine
IronPython for Dotnet
And PyPy which is distinguished Very quickly.
The motivation behind designing the language was to create a simple and more powerful language derived from the ABClanguage ,And Guido van was among the primary team for developing …
One of the main disadvantages of the ABC was the lack of ease of extension
Through additional libraries written in a language like C in addition to a lot of things that needed revision in language design …
Guido’s goal was to work out a balance and present an easy and simple language that we use instead of C and C ++.
In tasks that do not require the strength of these languages and what comes with this force of additional obligations incumbent on the programmer such as memory management and the requirement to specify the types of variables and others …
At the same time, the other options available from Guido’s point of view were not strong enough as he saw that it provided simplicity At the expense of giving up power … That is,
He wanted a simple, strong and practical language …
One of the main characteristics of this language is that it is dynamic.
“I learned a lot from Lisp without Guido planning it, according to him. He later discovered through the programmers’ comments that he quoted a lot of things. From Lisp “… Also the Object-Oriented language and I took a lot of things out of the Functional Programming With Guido asserting it is Imperative, not Functional …
The language has been used in several fields as it is used in education and providing the basics of programming for its great ease as it is used for various types of applications and other fields …
Certainly it is not characterized by the speed and strength of the C ++!
But it ‘s used with it in many programs as an embedded language and Lua competes in this field, even if The other most famous in this aspect, but Python offers higher features at the expense of speed and size …
Python is also used in web applications and the link between different systems .. engineering programs … also used in desktop applications , games and mobile applications …
Perhaps not The first language in any of this field But its diversity, comprehensiveness, and strength have preserved its existence, as it fills in a little space in the field of software development.
The following are links to books that I recommend and are selected for different fields, covering the basics of language, and most of its different use.
(1) Book: Head First Python
(2) Book: Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python
(3) Book: Python 3 Object Oriented Programming
(4) Book: Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
(5) Book: Learning Python
(6) Book: Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
(7) Book: Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python
(8) Book: Making Games with Python & Pygame
(9) Book: Flask Web Development
(10) Book: Black Hat Python
(11) Book: Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt
(12) Book: Python for Data Analysis
(13) Book: Python Essential Reference
(14) Book: Effective Python
(15) Book: Python Pocket Reference
(16) Book: Python 3.5 C API
(17) Book: Python Scripting for ArcGIS
(18) Book: Practical Maya Programming with Python
_ The following is a set of useful links :
The official language website
Its documentation
Various implementations available
The most popular development environments available for use
Language article in the free encyclopedia
Information about the language creator
Success stories using the language
https: //www.python
- REFER : This info originaly is a fb post in Arabic by Mahmoud Fayed the coder and creator of Ring and PWCT ( ,I have translated it into english asap !
- NOTE: This article contains Amazon Affiliate links ..